Saturday, January 13, 2018


Our "I PETS' FESTIVAL" is a project which was born from the interest of my student to bring their pets to the school. I took advantage of this idea to introduce the contents related to the animals' world (vocabulary, actions, likes and dislikes....). 

At first, they were familiarized with the vocabulary and grammar structures. They did some worksheets to practice it. Once they finished the stage of acquisition, they started to work in the project. 
The first part was choosing a pet. They brought me a series of pictures of their pets, which, together with some interesting information about the animals, were included in a book entitle OUR PETS' BOOK "This is my pet".
In addition, they did a presentation, which was recorded in a video. This video was displayed by the families the last day of this project. This day each student brought his/her pet to the school, where we did a parade of pets. At that moment, they could show the pets and the things they could do with them. ¡It was great!

- This is my pet (Worksheet-Infant Ed.)

- This is my pet (Worksheet-Primary Ed.)

- Photos (I PETS' FESTIVAL-Parade)

- OUR PETS' BOOK "This is my pet"


"INTERESTING TALES TO READ: OUR BOOKS" is a project focused on the reading. Its aim is to obtain and give information about different known tales/stories in order to encourage the reading among students.

This project was one of a series of activities that we did to celebrate the BOOK'S DAY.

After choosing the tales/stories, my students had to search some information on the Internet about the authors and the characters to give some interesting details about them. This allowed them to know more about these stories that they already knew. 
Once they obtained all this information, they had to complete some worksheets, which were gather together in this book.

- Information worksheets (Infant Ed.)

- Information worksheets (Primary Ed.)


Friday, February 20, 2015


The "SCHOOL KITCHEN" is a project developed by means of the study and work of the topic related to the food.

Pupils were involved by the world of kitchen (food, kitchen objects, actions, orders, recipes...). Once they studied the vocabulary and the grammar, they designed a recipe and became professional chefs. Finally, they participated in their own programme.

This was a very funny experience for pupils.

If you were interested in this Project, you could look more information up here:

- Recipe Sheet

- Videos and recipes

Saturday, January 31, 2015

PEACE DAY (30/January)

This year, my pupils have been working in a PEACE Day Project, which has been developed in this way:


Pupils in these stages had to color big flowers with words for peace inside.

Big flower-Infant Ed.
Small flower- 1st & 2nd Year

Pupils in these stages wrote a recipe for PEACE. They made a book.

The final product was a wallpaper, "Our PEACE garden".

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Book's Day (23/April)

Con motivo de la celebración del Día del Libro, hemos organizado una serie de talleres para todos los niveles:
1. Interactive Reading: Three Little Pigs/ Scumbelina.
All pupils were involved in the reading of one of these tales.

2. Poetry Competition: Nursery Rhymes.
Pupils wrote their own rhymes during the week.

3. Book's Market.
Pupils brought their own books, which they had read, to share them with their partners.

4. Storytellers
The pupils of the third stage prepared a traditional tale and they told it a group of pupils of Infant Ed.

5. Comic Makers.
The last activity consisted in inventing a comic.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

School Magazine: Vol. 2 (June 2012)

            Tras la experiencia vivida con la realización de la primera revista en la asignatura, no dudamos en plantear el segundo volumen para el tercer trimestre. Este volumen, el volumen 2 de nuestra School Magazine, consta de 5 secciones:

  1. My town: en la que los alumbnos nos muestran cada uno de sus pueblos por medio de tres mapas y una serie de instrucciones para moverse en ellos. Y además nos dan consejos de seguridad vial (Road Safety) para moverse por las ciudades.
  2. Nature: es una sección dedicada a los animales en peligro de extinción y a la noticia del volcán de la isla de El Hierro.
  3. Science: esta sección nos anima a conocer detalles sobre nuestro Sistema Solar y en la que han elaborado un horoscopo.
  4. Food: en esta sección se nos muestra una forma más sana de comer y para ello nos han regalado una receta típica de su pueblo.
  5. The English Classes: es una sección reservada para dejar constancia, mediante fotos, de las experiencias vividas en la clase de inglés.
Magazine Vol. 2 (June)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Peace Day

          Para conmemorar el Día de la Paz (Peace Day) estuvimos trabajando días antes en la elaboración de un libro de paz (Peace Book) con forma de paloma de la paz que los alumnos colorearon y recortaro y en el que plasmaron frases de paz y palabras de no violencia. En este libro participaron alumnos del segundo y tercer ciclo de Ed. Primaria. Y los más pequeñitos, los alumnos de primer ciclo realizaron unas pequeñas palomas de la paz que pegaron a un palito y en las que escribieron palabras de paz. Además, preparamos una canción relacionada con el tema, Imagine (John Lennon).

          El día de la celebración nos reunimos todos en el patio para poner en marcha las actividades preparadas. Las relacionadas con la asignatura de Inglés fueron:

          - Lectura de las palabras de paz por parte de los alumnos del primer ciclo.
          - Presentación del libro de paz y lectura de las frases plasmadas por parte de cada uno de los alumnos de segundo y tercer ciclo.
          - Interpretación de la canción Imagine en la que participaron los alumnos de los tres ciclos de Ed. Primaria.